I don't even know how to describe it, but today was one of the most thrilling days of my life.
Today I had an interview for graduate school (*squee*), and sometimes I would become so incredibly excited that no voice would come out-- all that would manage to squeak out of my throat was an excited squawk.
And then, as if that were not exciting enough, I got to vote.
Ninety years ago, as a woman, I would have had to be content to know that maybe my husband and I shared an opinion, but I would have not been able to voice it.
Today, I got to walk down to the church close to my house, wearing PANTS and walking by myself, and I was able to have my voice be heard. (Tip of the hat to Alejna!)
I know this means little to some.
But the fact alone that I, as a woman, can be independent of thought and means, well.... it means the world to me.
Today is a wonderful day. I hope you all get to live a day as wonderful and pride-inducing as this one was for me.
Unrelated: tequila, lime juice and ice are also excellent.
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