You know what I have found most fascinating over my years of blogging?
That you can never truly predict which will be the entry that will make people stop and read and come back. Truly, the science of the "good post" is a Black Swan theory all its own (something thoroughly unpredictable beyond the scope of the imaginable-- go read the Wikipedia article, will you?). A bigger Black Swan, in my opinion, than economics, because well.... blogging is personal. And that is something that in some way tells you what people will accept or reject about you. And do not be fooled: you are still the most important person to you.
Money is just money. When the quantities of it become excessively large, money loses its relevance and meaning. It's impossible to comprehend just how dire or how non-dire our financial markets are until we take a step back, and even then we will have no idea why September 15 was the date that everything decided to go to pot in the first place, just to pick a recent event.
Because you know, the most brilliant economic minds still do not know what caused the crash of '29, and that was, like, almost 80 years ago. Weird, huh?
I guess in blogs, pretty much like in life, you never know which attribute of yours (or your blog's) people will find fascinating or irresistible or downright addictive. Could it be your sparkling wit? Maybe it's your insouciance or your colorful personality or your bitingly sarcastic yet hilarious repartee.
But then it turns out that the real reason someone was your friend was that your life appeared to suck by comparison, for instance. The moment your life appeared to suck less than theirs, they ditched you like a hot potato.
Then there is the boys (or the girls)-- what is it that makes him (her) come around? What was the hook?
Was it the countless hours spent at the gym? Or was it the thoughtful and manly presents you bestowed upon him? Or was it your hours of talking and laughing and finding common ground?
And then it turns out that he was bored and you filled a little void. And then maybe he became un-bored and that's history.
But back to blogging, it's very hard to know what it is that will make people tick; what will make people relate to you and seem more relatable and more human. And conversely, what are the things that send people over the edge, never to return?
Is it something to do with your narcissistic urge to take pictures of yourself in every pose and use them as a compass and guide for each and every one of your posts? Or perhaps it's your color scheme of black background and pink letters that renders the retinas useless for a couple of minutes? Or maybe it's the fact that you won't shut the eff up about something you're so deeply passionate about but that most other people could not give three-fourths of a rat's ass about?
Blogging is an interesting thing because it reflects so much of the writer and yet it's something that becomes wholly detached once it's out there in the world-- not exactly a dismemberment thing as much a little birth of sorts with every new post. The posts all have a life of their own, beyond anyone's possible imaginings. Some things are destined to become dusty, antiquated relics while others are sure to become the next viral meme of the century.
Also, I haven't even considered those blogs who have jumped the shark, so to speak-- blogs that used to be good and fun and for which you'd stop doing whatever you were doing so you could spend some quality time reading them through the feed aggregate thingy but that suddenly are the most boring thing ever. Or the most depressing thing ever, too. Or the thing most unrelated to your life at any rate.
If you're reading this and you have opinions regarding what I just wrote, won't you share them with me?
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